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Wandsworth Town

Meet Hannah from Frenchie Wandsworth

Name: Hannah Fairgrieve

CompanyFrenchie Wandsworth

Role: Director

How long have you worked at Frenchie? Since the very beginning – we first opened our doors on the 5th December 2020. We’re very new to Wandsworth Town.

What makes Frenchie stand out from other places in Wandsworth Town? The idea and branding behind Frenchie was based on my French Bulldog – Mr Clive. It’s his silhouette on the cups. We absolutely love dogs here at the shop and are very dog friendly. We have puppiccinos for any doggies who visit us, as well as our special ‘pupcakes’ every Saturday and Sunday. Since we opened we’ve had so many four legged friends visit us and it honestly makes our day, especially the Frenchies for me – they’re my favourites!

Why do you enjoy most about working there? I’m really proud of the team we have built here at Frenchie in such a short space of time. The team bring a brilliant energy that can put smiles on the faces our customers. They’re amazing!

What’s your favourite thing about Wandsworth Town? Myself and the team love the community feel – everyone included. Both residents and shop owners have been so welcoming and supportive, especially on Old York Road where we are based. If anyone ever needs anything there are so many lovely people to offer help. Old York Road has such a positive vibe and so many amazing independent shops and we love being a part of it.

Anything exciting happening at your Frenchie that we should know about? We have just launched our summer menu – so keep a look out on our Instagram for updates!

What things are you looking forward to happening in Wandsworth Town this year? There’s a lot happening in Old York Road at the moment with new shops opening and new independents recently opened. There’s also new development at either end of the road which will bring new faces, experiencing Wandsworth Town for the first time and we look forward to welcoming them.

Frenchie Wandsworth can be found at 354 Old York Road, London, SW18 1SS.